Studio Diary - Tony (3/13/11)
This was the second weekend in a row that by happy circumstance I was able to book a lot of time in studio 4 at IPR. Anthony was there and Brandon was able to be there this time, too. Unfortunately, Dustin was working again. So we missed him again.
The day started with Brandon laying down some bass on "On the Sidewalk." This was my first time recording bass, so it was kind of an experimental day. I had spoken with my buddy Collin a couple days earlier and we came up with some ideas for bass mic setup and such. So I employed some of those ideas and had fun with it. Brandon came in and knocked it out of the park like a pro. We got all the bugs out and did a few takes and called it good on that tune.
After taking a brief break to go pee, we reconvened in 4 and Anthony taught Brandon the chords and structure of "Piper." Because, though the other members of the band had previously played the song incessantly, it hasn't been played for years, meaning Brandon had never even heard it. But Anthony laid it out for him and asked him he accepted the mission put before him. Not surprisingly, he said yes.
After a few practice runs, he got the feel for the tune, and added his own flava to it as well. He put some licks and fills that we would not have thought of into the tune. He really helped to make a juvenile and monotonous song a bit more interesting and enjoyable. So to those of you reading that were with us in the old days, this song is coming back (at least in recorded form) and it's better than it was before.
We wrapped on bass recording and I set up the room for vocal takes, since Anthony did not get a chance to track vocals on "Piper" last week. As usual, Anthony was very consistent in his vocal and double vocal tracking. It didn't take too long to lock it down. It went so well that we finished up all we wanted to finish with two hours to spare. The dudes left, I cleaned up and worked on some school work.
All that's left on these tracks are guitars by Dustin on both songs and some background vocals by me on "Piper."
It's coming along. I love doing this stuff, and I have ideas for more songs to work on in future sessions. If you, the reader, have any suggestions for songs of ours you'd like to hear recorded, suggest them either in the comments below or on Junebug's Facebook profile.