Tuesday, May 12, 2009

5/12/09 - Urban Ventures - Tony

May 12, 2009
Urban Ventures
Minneapolis, Minn.

Studio Diary - Tony (5/12/09)

A long time ago, we were asked by Rising Sounds on Cities Live internet radio to write and record a theme song for their show. We came up with one a long time ago, too. But finally tonight, it was recorded.

But of course, it wouldn't be Junebug if there wasn't some kind of issue with the whole process. When I (tony) arrived, Dustin was there, waiting in the car with Sarah, eating his supper. We chatted briefly and then I decided I'd go find David Perez, the engineer, and start getting set up. When I found him, I introduced myself and asked where I should unload my gear. His eyes got big and he said, "Oh no, this was just a planning session." Well, obviously there was some communication gap, because all of us were bringing our gear and planned to get this thing banged out tonight. Medium-sized story short, we talked and David finally said, "Okay, let's do it." The plan was to get as much of it done before his eight o'clock appointment. Luckily for us, his appointment didn't show up, so we worked until 8:45 and finished it.

It was kind of a rush job, but that's fine. Since I only used a few pieces of the kit, I used the drums he had there. This amounted to only four drum mics and two overheads, which made for a quick setup. Also since it was a rush job, there was no run-through for rehearsal or anything. Which is also fine, because it's an 18-second song. So the bass and drums tracked at once, followed by Anthony's guitar, followed by Dustin's two guitar parts, and finally vocals, including separate tracks of each of us shouting "starts now!" It makes sense in the song. Don't you fret.

When we were finished tracking, Dave said that since he had an eight o'clock appointment that he'd mix it and get it to us sometime on Wednesday. However, his appointment didn't show, so he mixed it right then and there and emailed us each an mp3 of the track. So, we went from "Tonight's a planning session" to finished product in our inboxes within the span of two and a half hours. Not bad. But again, it's only 18 seconds.

But it's fun too.

Listen to Rising Sounds on Cities Live internet radio!!


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