Saturday, February 20, 2010

2/20/10 - Fur Seal

For this, the very final session of the Modern Day Fairy Tales project, all we had left was laying down Lil Buddy Mclain's guest vocals on "Casanova." I (tony) was not able to attend, since I was in northern Minnesota with my in-laws at a mushing race. So the following is a studio diary from Susio Sanchez, who was in attendance.


Last, but certainly not least, Lil Buddy McLain entered Fur Seal Studio tonight to add the final touches to Modern Day Fairy Tales on the track "Casanova." "Lil Buddy and Junebug," you say? "How the hell did that happen?" The Junebug boys owe that to their good friends over at Six-Ton Productions. The same people that gave you the videos for "Last Night" and "Chosen Ones" also did Lil Buddy's video for "Giggalo." So they were just keeping it in the Six-Ton Family. Thank you Mr. Tesnow and Mr. Sidenberg. The consummate professional that Lil Buddy is came in, listened to the track, and gave Junebug sixteen bars of one of the Twin Cities' finest. He was feeling the track immediately and put pen to paper. Five minutes later he was laying it down. He spit lyrical panty-remover all over that track. Anthony was in the control room holding it down with Joe while Nick was nerding out with the cameras. So you can be sure to see Lil Buddy in the upcoming studio documentory. I would venture to say that this won't be the last collaboration between Mr. Mclain and Junebug. We'll just have to wait and see.

For All things Lil Buddy Check out:

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