Fur Seal Studio
Minneapolis, Minnesota

And so it was that Junebug decided to record our second full-length album, Modern Day Fairy Tales. After touring a few studios around the Twin Cities area, it was decided that Fur Seal studio in Minneapolis was the best fit for us. Strangely enough, it seems that even in the Twin Cities, our old hometown of Aberdeen, South Dakota is never far away. The chief engineer at Fur Seal, and the guy recording and mixing our album, is Joe Johnson, Aberdeen Central class of '99. We met him tonight. He knows my (tony's) wife and used to go to parties at her family's lake cabin. He used to shop at Pauer Sound where Dustin worked. Furthermore, on September 30, 2000, Joe's band, Spor, and Junebug were on the same bill at the Red Rooster's End of the Year Party. But we apparently never met.
We met tonight, however, when Nick and I arrived to load in our gear. He said he thought he recognized me but wasn't sure. Regardless, tonight was the start to this little adventure. It was decided that tonight we would load in drum and bass gear in preparation for tracking this weekend. Nick was there when I arrived and the A/V club had already started session. This means that we're shooting video for a mini-documentary on the making of the album. He got some shots of me loading in and setting up my kit and it was all good.
Earlier in the day I had spent the better part of an hour tuning my drums, in an attempt to get them sounding sharp for the sessions. Well, I'll be the first to admit that drum tuning is not a strong point. That combined with the cold weather on the drive over made for crappy sounding drums. Luckily, Joe the Engineer is also a drummer and studio drum tuning is a specialty of his. Ten minutes with a drum key was all he needed to make my drums sound sweeter than they ever had previously. Travis Palmer, the Assistant Engineer and Fur Seal intern set up the drum mics under Joe's tutelage and we captured the drum sounds we'll want for this weekend's sessions.
As we were getting ready to leave, another Aberdeen connection walked through the door. Grant Cutler, a dude we knew back in South Dakota, and now established in the Twin Cities music scene (look up his current project, Lookbook), came in to see Joe. It's weird because not only did we not expect to see him, but when we were working on Share at IPR, he happened to work the front desk there at the time. Seeing Grant show up might just be a good omen. Or just nice to see him.
We're really excited to track this weekend. This will be a good experience.
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